Dateline: 17 November 2011
AxSA Factoid of the Week
04 November 2011
In 2000, auto sales in China stood at only about one million vehicles per annum. Interestingly enough, though, economic growth has brought with it a radical change to the transportation infrastructure and a strong desire for mobility by the general populace. Consequently, sales of new cars have surged to 11.6 million vehicles per year, over the last decade, and that number is expected to triple still within the current decade.
11 November 2011
The public debt of countries in the European Union totals 85% of the zone's GDP, and the on-again, off-again crisis over that debt has troubling implications for the United States. That is because, today, our pale economic recovery is finding fuel in exports, which were an impressive $180.4 billion in September, alone, and beyond the interdependency of our financial systems, Europe is our largest trading partner, with $600 billion in goods and services crossing the Atlantic Ocean each year.
News & Commentary
Workers Push Back Against Earlier Holiday Hours
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Retailers hoping to open at midnight on Black Friday are facing their own angry employees...Read More
Unpaid Interns: Real World Work or Just Free Labor?
Interns are finding that the work is neither a learning experience nor a springboard to better opportunities. Now they are suing...Listen Here
Filling up the Future
The Economist
The oil boom taking place in Brazil has required a technical feat in drilling...Read More
The Oil Price Conundrum: Update
Seeking Alpha
According to one analysis, the latest run-up in WTI may be baseless...Read More
U.S. Farmland Demand Continues at Record Price; Shows No Slowdown
Corn & Soybean Digest
Farmers make up 75% of buyers...Read More
Why Google Music isn't an iTunes Killer
Wall Street Journal
Google unveils an underwhelming competitor to Apple's music service...View Here
How Augmented Reality Will Change Everything, Just Not Yet?
Fast Company
The advent of AR applications just might make the world a cooler place, but will it really be as useful as some think?Read More
Talk Forward: Headlines
Hosted by Gary C. Harrell & Tray Bailey
Live every Tuesday mornings @ 8AM (CDT)
To listen to the podcast, click here.
From the "Monday Morning Memo"...
14 November 2011
Read everything - and particularly those things that you would not ordinarily read. One of the best ways to broaden your weltanschauung is by stepping outside of your comfort zone to learn more about matters that are not readily a part of your sphere of influence. Remember: if information has the ability to ignite the spirit and empower the mind, then you should never elect to be among the uninspired or the powerless. ~G. Harrell
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