Dateline: 03 March 2011
AxSA Factoid of the Week
In the wake of declining revenues, between 2008 and 2010, many state governments have cut $75 billion in spending and raised fees and taxes of roughly $33 billion. Unfortunately, they still face a collective shortfall of $175 billion for the period from 2011 through 2013.
News & Commentary
10 Ways Rising Oil Prices Endanger the U.S. Recovery
The Atlantic Monthly
As oil prices command new heights, Daniel Indiviglio points out what this could mean for American consumer and our frail economy...Read More
China Seen As Risk As Holdings Surpass $1 Trillion
There once was a time when a country with more than a trillion in U.S. treasuries would have been admired. Today, however, China's debt holding from the U.S. is raising concerns...Read More
Ron Paul to Bernanke: "Define the Dollar"
Wall Street Journal
Ben Bernanke made his first appearance before the House Financial Services Committee, now chaired by Texas Republican Ron Paul, and during the meeting, Paul asked an important question of the Fed chairman...Read More
The Rise of Generation C
Strategy + Business
By 2020, businesses will be selling to a new generation of consumers-one more diverse and more technologically connected than their predecessors...Read More
Q+A: NFL Revenue Split & Length of Season Key Sticking Points
Here are some of the facts behind the league's labor dispute...Read More
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1 comment:
The Ben Bernank has turned out to be The Real Disaster.
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