As you take the time to read my blog today, I ask that you please say a prayer for the victims of the latest act of madness to grip this country. Senseless violence has erupted in the corridors of commerce in Kansas City, Missouri, and now more families have been left with grief. Please pray that The Lord continues to cover us in His protection, and that we will not have to know the horror of such bedlam. Please pray for healing in Williamsburg, in Houston, in Kansas City, and in so many other places where men have wrongfully saw fit to take the lives of others. And please pray for understanding, restoration, and forgiveness, on the part of the victims and those affected by losses.
We must always remember that God is in all things, and from all things come the order of His Will. We should accept that as the greatest axiom of our times, and we should know that, even in all of this, His Will will be done.
God bless and protect us all.
Matt. 5:16
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